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Rachel Murphy

Rachel’s Selfie with Senior Lorraine North

Lorraine is a vibrant and valued part of our community, a beautiful person always wearing a smile and happy to help anyone in need.

She volunteers a lot of her time with the Darwin Plastic Makers Space, a non for profit organisation that recycles plastic lids at the Greenhouse Cafe here in the NT.

Lorraine dedicates hours to sort and clean the lids ready for recycling projects. Currently she is working on a chair made from plastic lids, sequestering approximately 5000 lids from our environment in this one project, along with other small projects Lorraine is also working closely with A Place for Plastic, sorting through the different types of plastic necessary to make 3D printing filament.
Lorraine plays a pivotal role in the future sustainability of plastics and a circular economy for generations to come and we are so grateful to know her 🙂 x

Selfie with a Senior sponsored by COTA NT and NT Seniors Card.Â