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Kat McNamara

Kat’s Selfie with Senior Jenny Horne

Jenny, or Aunty Jenny as my children call her, was one of my first friends in Darwin.

I quickly realised that she was not simply a kindly neighbour to chat to when taking the bins out, but that I had found a kindred spirit. With a wicked sense of humour, she regularly has me in stitches over our cups of tea. Never one to shy away from a challenge and fiercely independent, I found out that when she had tradies over to fix things around her house, she watched them intently to learn how to do it. From then on, Aunty Jenny would plaster between broken bricks, and replace tap washers on her own.

I feel privileged to hear stories of her life and childhood in Malaysia. My favourite photo in her house is one of her and her 8 sisters in their beautiful saris from around 40 years ago. I could instantly spot Jenny in that photo because she has the same a cheeky gleam in her eye today.

If I am half as capable, funny, inquisitive and generous as Jenny when I am a senior citizen, then I will consider that a success.

Selfie with a Senior sponsored by COTA NT and NT Seniors Card.